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Re: Re: Re: Re: Definite improvement in power!

Posted by: () on Mon May 6 08:34:55 2002

> > > >
> > > > Thanks for taking the time to share your research and insights with us. I am a 29-year-old former college baseball player, and I enjoy playing men's league slow-pitch softball these days. I'm a big guy and have always generated a substantial amount of power because of my muscle strength.
> > > >
> > > > That being said, I always felt my own strength was also a major downfall to my swing. I had always heard good hitters say how "effortless" a sound swing is. After reading your site thoroughly, I now understand why.
> > > >
> > > > I've worked the past month to undermine my own bad habits, and I've developed a swing that's very natural-feeling to me. I now have a very fluid motion around the stationary axis and am developing good wrist torque.
> > > >
> > > > To get to the bottom line, I had never hit a softball (ASA cor 0.47 ball) more than 320 feet before. I'm now VERY CONSISTENTLY hitting 325 to 375 feet, and I'm enjoying having my teammates "ooh" and "aah" over my blasts!
> > > >
> > > > I know everybody's different and so is everyone's swing, but the principles you've detailed here should definitely be practiced. Having played a lot of baseball in my past, I know the same basic principles apply to baseball and softball hitting.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks again for your time and effort!
> > > >
> > > > Marcus Boyd
> > >
> > > Yeah right. Its easy to spot a shill, isn't it?
> >
> > LOL....so we're assuming everyone's a liar these days? The message was intended to Paul anyway...just wanted to give him thanks and encouragement. Come to Richlands, VA....I would be most happy to let you see for yourself, though :)
> >
> > Marcus
> Just wondering who Paul is...
> There is a Paul who runs another site, maybe that is whom you are addressing your post to.
> This site however is owned by Jack Mankin.
> So if you improvement has been a result of the post on this site you might consider re-addressing your post.
> I frequently visit both sites and have found valuable information at each. I do try to distinguish the differences between them though; both are advocating the rotational approach with some variations.
> Only Jack seems to be much more polite in his efforts to get information out, while Paul is much more overbearing and hostile in his approach. Often even when he doesn’t understand fully the concepts discussed on this site such as top hand torque.
> Just my opinions though.
> SS Coach


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