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Re: Torque Technique Part II

Posted by: Richard Schenck () on Thu May 2 09:49:37 2002

I started this anew because the last thread has gotten long and branched.
> From what I've read, Paul is advocating the body actions, transfer mechanics, shoulder rotation and linkage that Jack and many others here also advocate.
> I have seen this same technique used as a teaching aid to eliminate the disconnection of arms from shoulder turn.
> But I've always seen it used as a step along the way, not the final step.
> Given the complications added to the swing by starting the arms in a disconnected fashion, then connecting them properly, I think this is a useful teaching tool.
> I am not clear on whether the bat is upright or laid out flat, ala, a deranged, exaggerated Chuck Knoblach. I don't think the flat bat/ultra Knoblach swing is useful at all.
> However, interestingly, holding the hands low and back so that the bat touches the upper arm does load the scapula. It also creates a kind of tighlty bound version of Bonds' swing. He also starts the hands low and allows the shoulders to pull the hands into rotation from there.
> I think there are some advantages to allowing the hands to move away from the body. The stretch gets more slack out of the lead arm AND allows the hands to pull back in, a motion similar to a figure skater's when increasing the speed of a spin (they pull their arms in). This can be done in the 1/4 turn of the baseball swing as well and does increase batspeed.
> I guess I'm missing what the fuss is about, as this technique is not dissimilar to what Jack Mankin has put forward in many ways.
> Would opponents come forward with specifics on how this technique (esp. the bat against arm) decreases or limits batspeed.
> What are the perils involved, beyond looking unusual to other players and coaches.?
> However, once the proper body work is acquired and used, there are advantages to moving beyond the Torque Technique arm position.

Major Dan

I enjoyed your comments as to the possibility that the technique has merit. As for Joe and the rest of the people who with alias or who are afraid to put their names on their comments, your negative opinions are worthless until you get to the cage and try it.

Richard Schenck


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