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Mike Epstein

Posted by: slowpitch (stroberjunk@cs.com) on Thu May 2 08:26:13 2002

I've been browsing Mike's site, he has a lot of good information that he graciously shares, but the .pdf document are locked fom printing. It's hard on th eyees to read them off the computer screen. I posted a question on his forum, and he replied, essentially "sorry, copyright laws". I then pointed out (resoectfully) that HE owns the copyright, and allowing folks to print would not negate his copyright protection, it would just make it more convenient for people to print and save the material. Not only did my last response not make it through the forum censor (Mike himself?), but the ENTIRE thread was deleted from the forum!

Is he some kind of primmadonna that can't stand to be gently corrected? I mean he's already providing the content free over the net (and I expressed my appreciation), what would be the harm in simply allowing people to freaking print it?! Jack, Paul Nyman, and all other hitting professionals with a web presence allow it, why not him?


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