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Re: Re: Re: Re: The Torque Hitting Technique

Posted by: Paul Petricca () on Thu May 2 06:02:35 2002

I was surprised to read some posts from late April regarding the hitting technique that I teach and have written about. I haven't posted recently on this board because of the abuse I took by posters who judged what I teach without trying it first. The fact is, I recieve e-mails weekly from people who have read the article on the Internet and who have actually tried hitting this way. The feedback is always overwhelmingly positive. I appreciate the recent discussion on this board regarding The Torque because the tone is constructive. Richard Schenck, one of the posters recently contacted me and raved about the results his sons were achieving. My only goal is to help players of all ages improve their hitting skills. Over the past 10 years, this technique has allowed hitters to drive the ball with more power, reduce strikeouts, and hit for a higher average. How can that be bad? I welcome questions or comments, because like all of you, I am still looking to improve what I teach. Thanks.
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I have investigated your technique and I can see how it could be a helpful initial step for very poor hitters. Your attitude and desire to coach can't be questioned.
> > >
> > > It is also true that no good hitter in history has used your batting stance or bat/body connection. It is also true that the stance and that connection prevent a hitter from attaining sufficient bat speed to succeed against prospect-level pitching.
> > >
> > > Melvin
> >
> > Melvin,
> >
> > What is considered a prospect-level pitcher? Is 88mph good enough. My son hit a rope off him the first time he's ever seen a pitcher of that ability. Yes it was only a single but that's only because of the pitch location. A higher pitch and it's in the alley or out of the park. What is wrong with taking your bat to the cage and experiencing the benefit before trashing it. It may not be for you or for everyone but it is for some and the results show it. No, I haven't seen a big leaguer hit like that yet but I see Mike Epsteins students doing it. If it's only a trainer that leads you on to something else or helps you understand hitting it's worth it.
> Folks
> Regardless of anecdotes, which are the most unreliable evidence there is, the so-called torque hitting technique on Webball doesn't permit the hitter to generate enough bat speed to hit consistently well against the best pitchers in any given league unless the hitter has a lead arm that is shorter than the width of his chest. And anyone who does have those body dimensions probably isn't worried about hitting.
> It is very simple, the bat in that position cannot arc back toward the catcher, top hand torque is nearly impossible and bottom hand torque suffers from the loose top arm. This should be called the ''lack of torque technique.''
> I have been hearing about this technique for years and have read the book, etc.
> Again, I am sure that the simplicity of the movement and the location of the bat head and handle helps some poor hitters coordinate their hand pushing.
> Anyone succeeding with a stance this deviant and lacking in opposing forces should be commended. He is truly doing it the hard way.
> Melvin
> Melvin,

Bat speed increases with my technique. Again, that can only be good.



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