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Re: Tom.guerry: The Pragmatics of Diagrammed Information

Posted by: () on Thu May 2 05:38:09 2002

> Shawn-
> >
> > Thanks for the interesting link.I'll limit my comments to the body rotation.As compared to Mac,the other hitter slides the trunk forward instead of rotating(form of lunging) and turns the hips late/through the swing.Notice how Mac Rotates with tight "linkage"(shoulders rotate(instead of sliding then rotating as in the amateur) with immediate turning of bat,then stops hip rotation before contact to accentuate acceleration of the torso turn.Mac's back leg demonstrates ankle roll/knee turn as the hips turn the shoulders,then reactive torque as the hips stop and whipping is sent upwards.
> Dear Tom.guerry,
> Perhaps the most efficient way to reaffirm or negate core beliefs is look at posterior/anterior views of muscle/skeletal models. First, study the linkage of skeletal joints, then assess the strongest and weakest muscle groups in the legs. It will be worth it.
> This is just my humble opinion,
> Sincerely,
> Knight1285@aol.com
> BH?L


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