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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Average or Above

Posted by: Major Dan (markj89@charter.net) on Mon Apr 29 08:17:15 2002

This season i am in the 14-15 Babe Ruth League. I'm still 13 and will not be 14 till July, but my father keeps telling me i should be fortunate for where i am because i was born 3 months ahead of time, and shouldn't even be in the league. When i got drafted to my team, no one was gonna draft me until my coach from last year finally spoke up and started telling what i could do. Righ now we're in the the 7th game of the season. I start in centerfield and i'm probably the best outfielder, and i'm probably the fastest player on the team (11 stolen bases in 11 attempts). I bat 5th in the line-up and am now hitting .500, 7 for 14. Plus 3 of the 4 players that bat ahead of me are sophmores in high school and the other is a freshman, they all play on the high school team. My dad just keeps telling me to go to every game, play hard, play for the team, and don't complain, and good things should happen. I would just like to know if i should consider myself as a average player who is right now doing what i'm supposed to be doing, or am i above average player who is playing better then expected.
> > > > >
> > > > > You sound like an average kid exept that you like to bragg more than most, so you probably have a big head and are not very much fun to be around and you probably don't count errors against your average and other stuff that kids who think they are "all that" do and you should quit fishing for complements because if you were as good as you say you would be getting them in every game.
> > > >
> > > > Mike, pay no attention to him, I think he's jealous. Keep up the good work because I think you are on your way to being a first round draft pick.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> > > I think the guy was funny and probably right. First round draft pick??? So you can tell a first round draft pick on the message board. You must be a scout.
> > >
> > > I there are many potential "1st round picks" pumping gas because they couldn't carry arount their head when it got too big.
> > >
> > > Kid, take some advice, just play the game. Don't think you are a hot shot. Your not, even if you can hit. Its not a real referance. Its just a game. Know what? Just try to be a better person and not a baggard. Too bad there are no adults around to tell you this.
> > >
> > > Frank Jessup
> >
> > For your information I have been on the All-Star team the last 4 years. Maybe Bill is right, you are jealous. All I did was ask a simple question and you go all retarded.
> > >
> > > Mike, don't let someone ruin your dreams. Even if you don't make the bigs, the money you would get from being a first round draft pick would provide you with financial security for life. It sounds like you have several of the tools scouts are looking for. Combine that with you playing with kids older than you and yet you still made the All Star teams, well, I think you are one up on your competition. Just don't neglect your grades, though, because no matter how good you are, if you get hurt you will need something to fall back on. P.S. You didn't mention newspaper clippings. If you get your name in the paper that will attract some attention.

Young man, it sounds like you are doing very well for yourself so far.
average, above average??? Depends on what you are comparing yourself to. Babe Ruth League is not very strong around here. I don't know how it is where you are. You should look for a travel team where you can play with and against the best kids in your area and get good coaching so you can improve. Then you'll find out where you stand.


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