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Re: Re: personal pitcher

Posted by: Richard Schenck (schenck5@swbell.net) on Sun Apr 28 07:57:29 2002

Has anyone used the personal pitcher that throws wiffle golf balls and is it worth the purchase?
> > I dont want to buy another junk training aid. Any favorites ?
> >
> > Thank you ...
> My son and I like it a lot! Got a good deal on ebay, too. (The softoss machines, which ususally sell for less, can be converted to personal pitchers.) Windy days can wreck the fun, but the capability of being able to do it inside is a bonus.
I have 2 high school players and this is the best training tool we've purchased. We also have a Swing-Away which is fine but we are able to take batting practice in our basement. The kids get about 100 swings in about 20 minutes each day. Machine moves ball around and forces them to hit pitches at all locations. We set up about 20 feet away and actually use this in a finished basement area. We had the same problem with wind outside. Excellent tool!!!!


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