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Re: Re: Re: Re: ATN: RQL

Posted by: The Slav (cslavik@tampabay.rr.com) on Mon Apr 22 19:55:33 2002

Might have misunderstood since he referred to it as a LL tactic.
But do you really think it's OK at the Junior College level?...College level?....seems to me that players think it's pretty horeshit at the pro level and they're getting paid. Where do you advocate it as OK?

That has to be one of the dumbest responses I've ever heard. Advocating head-hunting at the HS level would be bad enough, but to promote it on the LL level is the height of stupidity. I hope you were still high (on something) from the victory when you posted that one.
> >
> > i was wondering if college coaches had the same philosophy when you played....my son's jr. college coach (and by the way, my son is not playing; he tore his acl)instructs the players to crowd the plate (6 to 12 inches from plate) & if possible, get hit by the pitch.....other coaches in the league do the same, and it seems like this makes the pitchers that much more afraid to pitch inside.....your experiences?......respectfully, grc.....
> > > >>Sounds like a little league tactic,I would throw inside all day long and if we got ahead in the game stick one in their ear once in a while solid and see how long they stay with that tactic.Pull hitters do crowd the plate some times when they don"t have good plate coverage,but not much of a hitting style for that to be your plan.
> slav....i clearly said my son's team is JUNIOR COLLEGE....where did either myself or rql advocate "headhunting" at the LITTLE LEAGUE level?


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