Questions for swb
Posted by: chip ( ) on Fri Apr 19 20:10:17 2002
You mentioned the tee drill where the front ball is lower than the rear tee, thus promoting the downward swing. Question is:
What do the linear writers say about the notion of a swing that allows for such a small "impact zone"? The rotational swing on the plane of the pitch allows for a large impact zone. A level swing allows for a much smaller impact zone, while a down swing allows for an impact zone the size of a ball. (See Epstein's tips section for a diagram)
Also, our down-swinger HS coach lauds the imparting of backspin on the ball. Good for flies (which he doesn't want), I agree. But why do they want grounders with backspin? I always hated those topspin grounders digging holes in my chest.
Hope you don't mind being the linear poster boy of I figger you can handle it with aplomb (or at least good humor)!
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