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Re: Re: Practicing proper mechanics

Posted by: RQL () on Fri Apr 19 15:47:23 2002

I play on a varsity squad in the northwest and theres alot of good pitching so i had to change my hitting. Anyways im using everything that i learned from here and some stuff from my coach who played single A ball for the mariners organization. but the problem is i dont feel like im doing the right stuff to better my swing because im not getting results. are there any good drills that make you use the right mechanics. if so tell me them
> Hello
> Melvin I would agree but I am 1 of the few who have studied for 3 years now video and such and completely teach different than I thought I hit back then though I see I actually hit similar to how I teach now.I butt heads with alot of hitting instructors these days.
> Most current and former professional baseball players lack the information, skills and temperment required to teach hitting. Defense and pitching don't seem as hard for them as they aren't so hidden behind a wall of speed.
> Current and former professional baseball players, however, have a general mistrust of evidence and logic. Few have the patience to study hours of videotape and learn physics. In general, the are enamored of their own swings and skills (understandable) and usually do no better than to parrot whatever they have retained from their most affectionately remembered coach or manager.
> Anyone wishing to be a good hitter should run the other direction when a current or former professional player shows up with advice.
> Melvin


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