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Re: Re: Re: might help someone?

Posted by: chris () on Fri Apr 19 06:59:06 2002

Thought a kids description might help someone.Yesterday my son and I went to the field for some practice as usual.We go to undo what has happened at HS practice. Their practice consisted of trying to hit off apitching machine set at 85 mph from 40ft.Why Idon't know.Any way we were hitting afew more foul balls and grounders with topspin than usual not drastic but a little off.What was happening I would describe as (casting or out and around or arms extended to early).We got back on track and started hitting real well again and I asked what fixed your swing? All his answer was I quit reaching for the ball. Thought coming from a 14YO view this might help someone else struggling with this.
> > >>Sounds smart I cue my H.S. hitters to let the ball come to them don't go to it.
> Good advice, Chris. A variant of the old "let the game come to you" adage that a basketball player might try to use.
> So how is the "double life" thing- chopping by day, real hitting when you can. Are you finding that he can swing down for the coach and still retain rotational muscle memory? Does the coach also require that they all use some dorky stance? With elbows together?
> I'm wondering if a kid could fool a coach in a game by seeming to do it coaches way and then quietly counter rotate and slip into rotational mode at launch position. Will they really have that good an eye for every detail?

I think its tough and would be much easier if we didn't have to "relearn" all the time.When they hit on the field live batting practice the coach doesn't try to ?correct? his swing as balls are flying out of field and he is busy dodging behind screen ha!It is when they do tee drills,soft toss or hit off pitching machine that he can scrutinize and ?correct?.Sometimes it's hard to get back the mechanics after those days.However there are just 4 more practices.YIPEE!!!Also I've heard this may be the coaches last year.I'm proud of my son as this has been tough and he has had to work twice as hard but he kept a good attitude and has not had a negative comment towards the coach.He told me he is just trying to help the coach see how to help the other players.Has probably taken a higher road in dealing with this than I would have.But he just loves to play.The support I have received on this site has really helped and I really appreciate it. Thank you


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