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Re: Softball and Rotational Mechanics

Posted by: swb (batspeed@integritycorp.com) on Tue Apr 16 00:04:36 2002

You may get better feedback from others than this, but I've been looking at Mike Epstein's program in San Diego (www.mikeepsteinhitting.com). He emphasizes "rotational" hitting. We're going to first work with Jack Mankin's tape, a video camera, a tee, pitching machine, and a drill or two to be named later.

But I'm looking at M. Empstein's training program as well, which has been cited by contributors to this forum. I looks like Jack is close by in Santa Ana, and Mike is in San Diego; I figure we California folks have it made! You also might check out local colleges (e.g. Cal State Fullerton, or a.k.a. UC at Fullerton), which generally run clinics several times per year. You can simply ask the batting coach what he thinks about "rotational" versus "linear" hitting theories, or which books and literature the coach recommends. If his "mentors" are linear guys, you know what he's teaching his kids.

At least, that's the direction I'm going at this point. Perhaps other readers on this forum can offer 1st hand experience with both the Epstein program, and local University or College clinics in the Orange County area. (I'm in San Diego County, myself, so I'm interested in programs in this area as well.) Readers?

Regards.. Scott

Do you know of any coaches in LA or Orange county using the batspeed program. It is difficult when coaches try to change everything because of how they teach. I won't say they don't know how to teach hitting, it's just it's confusing to my daughter to get conflicting instructions. I want somebody who is on this program. She is ready for a 16U travel team, and can join after the high school season.


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