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Re: I am in a slump!

Posted by: The Hitman (ahsnumber3@aol.com) on Sat Apr 6 10:23:39 2002

Can anyone help me get out of my batting slump. i know it is a mental thing because I have a good swing and my coach even says everything looks fine. What ca i do mentally to get out of it?
> Thanks Jon

Hey Jon
You have to go up to the plate every time with a swagger. You must think that your going to get a hit, and hit the ball hard every time you step in the box. Confidence is one of the most important thing in all sports, you need to have it to be successful. What I usually do is say a few cuss words in my head to the pitcher, (not out loud)I just whisper them, this helps me get pumped up for the at-bat.
The Hitman


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