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Re: Re: 11 Year old and HR's

Posted by: SS Coach (geddyraid@aol.com) on Sat Apr 6 08:34:53 2002

How did you go about the process of teaching your son the new method? What changes did you make after seeing the video? Have you had any success in teaching the other players on the team this method?

I believe that kids can be taught most effectively by imitation.
Since I never played baseball as a kid and there were no other kids who had a rotational swing around to imitate. I chose to teach myself the swing so I could effectively demonstrate it to my son. I studied myself swinging in the mirror and compared myself to the animated swing on the website. I showed the swing to my son and picked “pieces of the swing to concentrate on. Believe it or not I chose the top hand torque to work with first. (I know that Nylan on Setpro sees no value in this but I found that by using the top hand my son could get the head of the bat moving much quicker which in turn gave him the “fast hands” so many coaches teach). Next I concentrated on the hip rotation and had to work really hard to eliminate the forward movement that he had been taught from early on. We only use a small “stride-slide” to begin the swing - mainly for timing. This was effective and within a very short time (2 days) he cleared the fence on the 10-year-old field in practice. Something he had never come close to. Over the next 30 games during All Stars he hit 3 HR’s out of the park including one while we were playing on the larger 11-12 year old field. We took fall off to play football so we didn’t work much on the swing until this season started. I felt like I might be missing something so I purchased Jack’s video.
He explains it much better and quicker than having to figure it out for yourself.
Jack also has some good drills with a heavy bag that help and I now use a belt to help my son “Stay Connected” through the swing.
Overall I have had the best and easiest results using Jack’s techniques than with any other style of hitting.
And remember… In my opinion the least helpful thing a coach can tell your kid is to “Throw your hands/knob at the ball”
It’s just a catch phrase like “quick/fast hands”.
Its Quick hips- Rotate rotate rotate.


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