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Re: Re: Re: Re: swing builder

Posted by: Major Dan (markj89@charter.net) on Fri Apr 5 09:58:35 2002

> Is there some website that this comes from? what video?
> >
> >
> > Apparently www.swingbuilder.com is the site which has the video, I guess I'll check it out although it certainly smells like SPAM­.
> Well, I went there and saw the video. Interesting concept.
Additionally, I'm shocked that Jay Bell and Matt Williams both agreed to pay Swingbuilder 3.5% of their earnings. Too pricey for the average MSBL player like me....

I'm especially impressed with the full extension the old guy gets in the still pictures. Both arm straight and pulling like crazy!!!

Why is the creator of this fantastic invention a Dentist???
because getting 3.5% of Matt Williams contract is like pulling teeth!!!

How did he ever think of hitching a metal bar to a nautilus machine?


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