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Dang it, did I make a mistake re: Heavy Bag etc..

Posted by: Kevin (caloebs@surewest.net) on Mon Apr 30 14:40:40 2007

I purshased, a couple of years ago, Final Arc..I'm still not sure I fully understand all this stuff; however, that is for another thread...

My son started the year hitting the 5.5 hole hard and to LCF now he's hitting weak hits to 2nd base or easy pops to RF..anything to left side is weak grounder. Occasionally he'll hit a decent one to RCF, but rarely. I've video taped him and his elbow is in front of his hands as he rotates. I've been telling him to really punch at the pitcher and had him hitting the heavy bag using the top hand in the 'L' hard. Doing a search of this forum I see that is NOT the way to use the heavy bag. Fine.

So, how do I get my son to not tuck that back elbow so much and have it in front? or is this a symptom of opening up too early? It almost seems like his hands have never left the spot near the back shoulder...he's just dipped the back shoulder and let the bat droop as he's rotated. I don't know if he's rotated too soon and is letting the hands lag to compensate. He rotates fast..always has..but he also gets ready fast and doesn't stride much..it's more of coming up on the toe and loading up back side (not much seperation of hands back), dropping the heal and firing. I can provide a frame-by-frame movie if folks think that would help. I can do it on youtube.

So to compensate for the hands/bat lagging, I should NOT have him 'punching' the heavy bag?

I didn't see my other message, but here is video..

I've been teaching him to punch the heavy bag to try to get those hands in front of the back elbow, but after reading here, that is bad...so not sure why he is doing it..early in year his hits were to 5.5 hole or LCF line drives..

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UMY9du3OJ6Q"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UMY9du3OJ6Q" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>



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