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Re: switch hitting

Posted by: Fink (kfink04@aol.com) on Sun Apr 29 10:55:38 2007

> I have a son in the 8th grade. He has a good arm, glove and bat. His speed is decent but not special. Does anyone have an opinion on learning to switch hit? He is a righty. He is a good enough athlete to do it with some extra work. His left handed swing path looks nice but without alot of work he will not have the power. I have been told that unless he is particularly fast, the extra work to pull it off is a waste of time. Thoughts?

i think it is definitly worth it. i know many players who have been recruited to big colleges or even been drafted and said there glad they learned to hit from both siedes because it helps tremendously.
p.s. look at lance berkman, great hitter from both sides of the plate, and hes pretty slow.


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