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Re: girl's softball swing

Posted by: George () on Sat Apr 28 22:07:26 2007

> My 10 year old daughter's softball coach is teaching her team to swing differently than I was taught and have taught in years of Little League coaching. He wants the girls to "chop" at the ball. He says it is the new way for girls to swing in fast pitch softball. Her arms are not extended, her hips don't get into the swing, and it looks like a swinging bunt to me. Is this correct??????? I hate to watch it. Thanks if you can give me some insight,

Plain and simple that is a bunch of garbage. Tune into ESPN and watch womens fast pitch. Many of the young women have great technique. If the coach was referring to the slap hit that is another story. Don't get to caught up into definition as a person can say one thing but mean something else though their intent to help might be right.


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