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Re: Barry Bonds Swing

Posted by: BHL (Knight1285@aol.com) on Thu Apr 26 19:53:43 2007

> The link below is to a video of Barry Bonds swing, with a critique by Tony Gwynn.
> How about some comments Jack...does this swing and/or Gwynn's analysis support your views on rotational mechanics?
> Anyone else want to comment?
> http://www.usatoday.com/sports/gallery/bonds/flash.htm

Hi Jimmy,

Gywnn maintains that Bonds uses a rather level swing. I will not challenge that the swing begins on a downward slope, then straightens out as the swing progresses, as doing so in the initial part of the the swing is just common sense. However, the swing does not continue on a level plane, as Gwynn proffers. Instead, the swing plane begins to arc upward to match the plane of the pitch. Hence, what Gywnn's perceives as occuring in his analysis of Bonds varies from what I believe. Jimmy, I will be glad to state more disagreements over Jim's swing critique when I have time.



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