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Re: Bad Uppercut Problem

Posted by: jimmy (frdfsadfasdfa) on Wed Apr 18 13:42:43 2007

> My son Sam has too much of an uppercut (between 30 and 50 degrees upward in games). His back shoulder drops while his front shoulder rises, and his bat head falls way out of line with his front arm. I've tried to get him to swing more downward but he has a hard time maintaing good rotational mechanics while swinging downward. Any drills or suggestions?

One drill that helps in these cases is the "Walk Through Drill". Using a tee have the hitter take his back foot and step behind the front foot, then stride with the front foot and swing, making sure to finish with weight over the front foot. Its basecally exageerating the transfer of weight forward.

Then I'd suggest the High-Low Tee drill. Set up two tees, one behind the other. The back tee is set several inches higher than the front tee. Have the hitter hit off the front tee without contacting the back tee. This forces the batter to keep his back side from colla psing. Again this is kind of an exaggeration, but it tends to work.


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