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Re: Re: Re: incorrct swing plane

Posted by: steve (smeisy@sbcglobal.net) on Fri Apr 13 22:09:32 2007

Hi Jack,

Great post. This is just the problem my son was having recently and because his coach (that's me) wasn't being observant enough I was missing it. I was feeling lost because I didn't know what to do to help him. He was executing rotationally but was bringing the bat thru the zone almost level? Once we fixed that he was on his way. I came up (or I think I did) with alittle drill that really helps him get the bat on the path of ball or at least the location. I get at pitching distance and take a windup and as I pretend to release the ball I call out a location. It really helps him get his hands on top of the ball on the high pitches. He has always been a low ball hitter so that is no problem. The middle ones are presents you have to anticipate and just drive. It really helps him feel the differences. Thanks again Great post!



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