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Poor timing

Posted by: Don A. (donalberts@msn.com) on Thu Jan 31 08:22:50 2002

My son's timing at the plate has left him. The harder he works his form off the tee the worse his timing gets during games. He is either late, hitting week ground balls or flies the opposite direction or early pulling the ball foul. When late his bottom half can't catch up and he is throwing the hands to make contact. When early his front side has landed so early that he is pulling the ball into the dugout. The swing looks better when early but the timing is way off. When making adjustments at the plate he has had both these situations in the same at bat many times. Are there any drills to soley help timing? When during the pitchers motion should he initiate cocking his front side? We have talked about keeping his bottom half slow, cocking early and varing the time he sets his front foot down to initiate his swing. The theory being that he can adjust to fast balls and off speed. Is this good advice and are there any drills? He seems to keep the timing from when he lifts his front foot and when he lowers it the same trying to vary his timing soley at the point of lifting and cocking the front side. If this is correct, are there any drills to help him time when he starts cocking the front side?


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