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Re: Letting go with the top hand

Posted by: baseabll (reyg121@yahoo.com) on Thu Apr 5 13:28:16 2007

It doesn´t matter jhon. When you make contact with a ball as soon as the ball releases from the bat it really doen´t matter what you do. Alot of coaches tell kids to keep both hands on the bat because some kids release the top hand to early and swing the bat with one hand. I´m also not a fan of the book you stated. In that book george brett claims to get into positions that he says great hitters strive for. But, quite frankly I have many photos of doubles and bombs he hit and I never saw him in that position. This is clearly an example of great hitter that don´t know what they do. Charlie is a big fan of the top hand rolling over at contact and the poistion he has hiiters in would foul the ball into the dug out or hit a weak chopper to either third or first depending which side you hit from. So the big book people out there really do your hw. And don´t agree with something just because everyone goes by the book. Tony Gwynn great hitter also teaches that and yet sdsu can´t hit. Another example of great hitters can´t teach it. Although, tony isn´t one of my favorite hitters still great but might have had more power if he didn´t push so much.


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