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Re: Help needed! bat head falls below lead elbow

Posted by: The Hitting Guru () on Tue Apr 3 14:23:14 2007

> hey everybody,
> my 14 year old son had been practicing rotational mechanics for around a year now, but he still had problems with his swing plane. looking at him from the front, he initiates the bathead into the plane of the lead arm fine, but as he continues to rotate the bathead falls out of plane of the lead arm (you can see the bathead below the lead elbow on tape). this unually results in too much of an uppercut swing and very bad contact, when he makes contact at all. are there any drills tips or cues that will help him create a better swing plane?

Have hime practice th fence drill. That drill will help him clear his hands quicker and help him develop a more natural upswing (by leading with the knob to the ball.


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