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Re: Re: Re: Re: Loopy Swing

Posted by: ddavies () on Sun Jan 20 19:33:00 2002

>>> Thanks for another beautiful description of the desired rotational swing. I agree with your assumption(without seeing the actual video for this case)that most kids have the same basic flaw which is often described as dropping/collapsing the backside. This backside collapse is visual evidence of a nonrotational/linear swing. The linear hitter has learned to use the body by swaying the hips rather than rotating (as a slave to the top hand dominance as you explained). If the coach can recognize the basic difference between swaying and rotating, then there is a good chance the student can learn rotational hitting.
> However, it is not easy because the student has never experienced the balance or developed the muscles to accomplish good rotation. This is where drills like the one you describe and using the heavy bag, for example are necessary. You need to stay with it and not rush the student. If the coach learns the different feel of the linear/swaying style vs rotational and what it looks like on video, the chance of succesfully teaching goes way up. As you have pointed out, what happens with the torso/shoulders is a key to what style is used.
> Hi Tom
> You stated, " The linear hitter has learned to use the body by swaying the hips rather than rotating." I had really never thought of it that way. Looking at the linear swing with that in mind helps better explain the balance of the swing (lack of shoulder rotation and straighter hand-path) --- Thanks Tom, hope you won't mind if I use that phrase.
> Jack Mankin
Thanks guys - Jack, what you're describing is very correct. He truly does rotate well, his backside does collapse, and his swing does tend to drop down and then back up - he's crushing the ball, but he's having too many balls that he's lifting. They'll be home runs on the 200 ft fence, and fly outs on the 300 ft fence - he'll be playing on both this year. I'm looking for more screaming line drives with a lower trajectory. I'm going to video tape him this week and send it in to you. Thanks for the advice - I'll print it out and study it to continue my own learning progression.

Thanks again!


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