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Re: Re: Re: ? pitching

Posted by: MJB (Berg@pop.ctctel.com) on Wed Jan 9 23:19:26 2002

>Good evening,
> > >
> > > Anyone have feedbadk on the Dick Mills pitching program. I have an 11 yr old interested in learning.
> >
> > The Mills program is, pardon my analogy, the 'linear hitting' of pitching philosophy. It's OK if you don't have high goals (any program is better than nothing).
> > If you want some real content, check out both The Pitching Mound and Setpro.
> < I am familiar with Dick Mills Pitching philosophy and >ironically, I thought it was the 'rotational hitting'of pitching >philosophy. From my understanding he teaches that you should land >closed and then rotate to deliver the pitch. Doesn't this sound
>familiar. "The keep your front shoulder in rule does have merit >during the stride and pre-launch positioning" in truisms and >fallacies. So, if you think Mill's teachings are linear in your >opinion, please tell me why and tell me how to teach pitching with a >rotational aproach.

I would like to know that also. I am also interested in the site http://www.pitchingcentral.com/ that is based on Ron Wolforth's methods of coaching pitching. Does anyone have any opinions on his ideas or his site?


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