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Board ready for discussion

Posted by: Batspeed.com (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Wed Jan 2 21:18:02 2002

Hi All

We hope that everyone had a Happy New Year. The new baseball season is not far off and we are eagerly anticipating its return.

As many of you are aware, we have been considering the pros and cons of changing to one of the various types of discussion boards found on the net. One of our major concerns was accepting only posts that relate to baseball and softball and not accepting those that are distracting, nuisance, spam and/or added little or no value to the discussion of hitting. Our web master has made a members only forum available, which is used by most of the sites. These forums have many excellent features that are not available on our present board. However, we have decided to stay with this one for now.

We believe that it is important for coaches and players who are new to the site to feel like they are able to post their questions and views without the need to sign-in with a password. Additionally, most member forums usually have 10 to 15 posters discussing amongst themselves with very little interaction from new comers. Therefore, the board will be open to all, but it will be monitored to ensure that posts meet basic requirements as follows:

This is a discussion board that accepts posts related to baseball and softball, unlike a chatroom or news group which may accept every post. Certain posts may not be accepted, including the following situations: material that does not related to baseball or softball, nuisance material, distracting material, spam or chatroom material, advertising material, harassing material, and other issues which will be reviewed on a case by case basis. We are attempting to protect the integrity of this board so that it can be enjoyable for the fans, coaches and players who want to learn and share different points of view related to baseball and softball. In addition, it is important to point out that we encourage everyone’s point of view related to baseball and softball, including those that disagree with ideas presented on this site. If we were all in agreement, we would have very little to discuss. We just encourage and expect tact and consideration when challenging another person’s point of view.

Your post or reply will appear as soon as we get a chance to review it and ensure that it meets the criteria listed above.


PS: I find being challenged with tough question and opposing views more interesting than "preaching to the choir" - so different points of view on hitting are encouraged. However, I expect that you present your theory or factual based question so that I have something to respond to.

Jack Mankin


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