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Atn: Tom

Posted by: Saat () on Tue Dec 18 18:37:09 2001

Can anyone point me to this clip?
> > >
> > > Tom, I got it from http://members.home.net/timolson8/clips/
> > >
> > > You will see 5 clips; the one I made reference to in my post is BernieWilliamsmpg.1.
> > >
> > > By the way, if you or anyone can help me with the following clips at this same site, I would appreciate it:
> > >
> > > Bernie Williams2.mpg and BernieWilliams3.mpg They play just fine in windows media player, but I can't save them.
> > >
> > > Bernie Williams4.mpg & BernieWilliams5.mpg windows media player doesn't open up the clips at all.
> > >
> > > Actually I have similar problems with some of the other clips in the tomolson8,9,10 and 11 series, so if Tim or anyone has some ideas it would be a big help.
> >
> >
> > Wow there is some power generated in those swings.
> Saat-
> Thanks for pointing me to Tim's clip.Does he use the legs or what!
> Tim-the first clip of Bernie has a lot of frames,is that 60 frames persecond or something different?
> When I look near contact,if I call contact the frame where the bat head is opposite the middle of the front thigh(front of hands is at level of front knee,so bathead lags hands a few inches),you can still see the ball launched high before it's out of the picture.The "L" starts coming out of the back elbow 4 frames before this.The handpath straightens about 2 frames before the contact frame.He does this by clamping the front forearm tighter to the body(he could still keep a towel under it)and letting the front forearm extend(he has maintained some flex in elbow prior to this).Palms stay up/down through contact.Torso hasn't turned much with high load situation,L coming out of back elbow prior to contact followed by forearm extension casting handpath slightly prior to contact(Paul has called this mini-casting).Sounds pretty much like Jack describes it.The hands stay in until the bathead has fired out toward rotation,then there is some straightening of the handpath that increases batspeed by increasing swing radius.The handpath is not extended prematurely and the torso is not depleted of energy before contact so you are quick to the ball with high consistent batspeed and no deceleration prior to contact.

Tom, I will share my observations with you shortly regarding Williams. (Beautiful clip, isn't it? Too bad it doesn't show the leg action as well). In the meantime, did you have the same problems I had with Williams 1,3,4 & 5?


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