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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: trouble on hitting the outside pitch

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Sun Dec 31 10:17:40 2006

As usual rql makes excellent road tested points.

The approach he discusses is in the context of in/vs out adjustment as the thread title

I would also point out that Jack's overall approach may work best if you learn to execute
the swing as bellied up as possible.

The more you are bellied up, however, the more there is a premium on making the up/
down adjustment on the fly as opposed to in vs out.

The beneficial thing about the up/down adjustment is that the timing remains very similar
for in and up vs in and down and for out and up vs out and down.

The Epstein/?Williams strategy in general is based on bellyinh up as much as possible and
then,if pitching is good, look in OR out and adjust up/down on the fly. If pitching is not so
challenging, then you can cover the whole plate and just look fast or slow.

As you back off the plate, or,even if bellying up, if you are small, then the timing
difference between in vs out becomes more and more significant.


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