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Re: Re: little league letters

Posted by: Mike C (mcalise1@cox.net) on Sun Dec 24 10:22:42 2006

Why don't all of you that want to learn the mechanics of the swing spend $15 and buy The Science of Hitting by Ted Williams. Stop listening to these people who use big words and new theories. The mechanics of the swing have never changed. Hard work in the cage, tee, soft toss and live BP along with good strength training will bring out the bat speed your over all physical make-up will allow. That stupid fence drill is a joke. All of you that keep saying "keep your hands inside the ball"...Try hitting with your hands outside the ball...you will end up with a broken arm from getting hit with the ball. You have to keep your hands inside the ball to hit it. Who ever monitors this site should stop trying to re-invent the wheel. We all want to make some extra money but just changing words or coming up with some useless drill is rediculous.
Merry Christmas


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