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Re: negative rotation

Posted by: Jim (jwelborn@lexcominc.net) on Sat Dec 16 21:08:30 2006

> Jack,
> I was hoping you could settle a discussion on negative rotation or pre-launch rotation.
> When the batter is getting into the launch position by creating negative rotation, should the movement be created by a turning of the upper torso starting at the waist and then begin upper hand torque on the swing?
> Or should the batters movement be generated by the shifting of weight from forward to rear leg?
> I have heard the terminology, "show you're number to the pitcher", which would fall in line with the hip rotation, but a fellow coach has told me different.

Any negative rotation that causes the head to move to the point that the back eye's line of sight to the ball becomes blocked by the nose is excessive. If the hips rotate rearward during the negative move the likelyhood increases that the head will be pulled too much. If the back eye can't see the ball, the batter's stereoscopic vision is lost.


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