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Re: Bat Lag

Posted by: Jim (jwelborn@lexcominc.net) on Sun Dec 3 20:35:18 2006


I stated:
"The hooking hand path not only maintains connection to rotation, but also keeps the sweet spot of the bat on the line of the pitch at the contact point as the bat head is released. Again, hitting through a "long zone"."

You stated:
"I agree the swing plane of the bat should match the plane of the incoming pitch. However, the only way the sweet spot can stay longer in the contact zone is for the bat-head to have a lower rate of angular acceleration around the hands. The sweet spot should be attaining its maximum angular acceleration in the contact zone. – Bunting would be an extreme example of “long in the zone.”"

I think you may be overlooking what happens as the curved hand path interacts with the arcing sweet spot. If the hands are following a curved or hooked path (connected to rotation) the bat head WILL stay on the line of the pitch longer WITHOUT slowing! If the hands are following the proper curve at the same time the sweet spot is moving in its arc toward the ball, the sweet spot will be shifting in space in such a way as to remain in alignment with the pitch. Angular acceleration is NOT being diminished as this is occurring.

Let me illustrate this another way. Let us imagine a swinging pendulum. The free end of the pendulum swings in a smooth arc around an axis. If we were to move the axis as the pendulum is swinging, the apparent path of the free end would no longer be a smooth arc. If we were to coordinate the movement of the axis in the proper manner we could cause the apparent path of the free end to become a straight line. Angular acceleration is maintained because although apparent rotation stops, actual rotation does not. The free end is still rotating around its axis. In this example the axis of the pendulum would compare to the axis of the bat, that is, the point between the top hand and bottom hand as they apply opposing torque.

Hitting through a long zone doesn't imply going to the extreme of bunting or slapping. The term "long zone" is simply another way of saying "match the swing plane of the bat to the line of the pitch".

I stated:
“Bat lag is also important because it is what gives the batter the ability to vary the actual release of the bat head on the ball,”

You stated:
"This suggests the bat-head should be more static at the lag position and its acceleration released in the contact zone."

The bat should never approach being "static" in the lag position. The term "release of the bat head" simply refers to the final 90 degrees of bat movement ending at contact. At some point in time the batter must make an adjustment in timing in order to make the bat to arrive at the ball with the proper angle to propel it toward a specific area of the field. This adjustment in timing cannot occur until the need for it is recognized. The ball is typically within 10' of the plate when the batter's brain computes the adjustment. Bat lag is the point during the swing when the adjustment can be effected by controlling the bat's rate of acceleration through its "release" or final 90 degrees of movement. The bat never really physically "lags". The term "Bat Lag" is simply a name that identifies a specific point during the swing.

You stated:
"I have found that telling a batter “not to release the bat-head to soon” will impair his achieving his potential. The bat-head rotates about 180 degrees form the launch position to contact – it rotates 90 degrees form launch to the lag position and 90 degrees from lag to contact.

There is no way to attain great bat speed at contact with a static bat at the lag position (half a swing). . ."

I agree.

Our discussions illustrate something that will make your project very valuable in the world of swing analysis. Many times different people look at the exact same picture and when asked to describe what they see end up describing very different things. Sometimes the same pro swing clips are used by people to illustrate seemingly opposite arguments. That is why I am glad you are going to include not only analysis of good swings in your DVD but also the problem swings. It should help reduce the confusion.



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