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Re: Re: Re: Re: BHL- my to cents on the question to Jack

Posted by: BHL (Knight1285@aol.com) on Sat Nov 4 21:51:02 2006

> > > > Hi Jack,
> > > >
> > > > While I disagree with Gym Teacher's double extension model of the swing, I part with you in another respect--the swing plane. Jack, why is the swing plane so important, when A-Rod, to name one major player, exhibits a wavy swing plane?
> > > >
> > > > I understand that Griffey Jr. fits your model of consistent planes; however, Barry Bonds does not. In fact, Barry "scoops sand" before attempting to hit the pitch.
> > > >
> > > > Please clarify your position on swing planes, and, if possible, direct me to visuals that agree with your postural assessment of the swing.
> > > >
> > > > One more thing--do you consider an inconsistent swing plane the mark of a linear hitter?
> > > >
> > > > Take care,
> > > > BHL
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > BHL. I just thought I would add my two cent to your question. In a general observation, Griffey Jr. appears to have a long swing. But because of his superior athletic ability and feel for hitting he has had great success with a long natural upswing. Bonds uses a shorter stroke with a tight compact arc to maximize his strength. He merely has to make contact and the ball is going to go. This is why he can choke up and still lose nothing with regard to hitting homeruns. A-Rod would appear to struggle with his swing plane to at least some degree because he has to start his mechanics on time, otherwise his bat head will lag like most hitters who are late, and he will miss the ball completely. For a great hitter, he often has no chance against pitchers who can pitch up in the zone. And because he cannot level out on the good high fastball, he will frequently suffer against above average pitchers.
> >
> > Hi Hitting Guru,
> >
> > If you are saying that a batter must be compact as possible, then I agree. I, however, would disagree with the part of your premise, though, that suggests uppercutting is bad. Even the great Barry Bonds--who will soon be #1 on the all time home run list (and deservedly so)--uppercuts. I'm sorry: as much as I agree with your philosophy on being compact, neither I nor Ted Williams buy into hitting down on the ball.
> >
> > The latter philosophy, remember, was promulgated by Lau Sr. and Walt Hriniak, who turned power hitters into weaklings. IMO, Lau Jr., with all his flaws, seems to be a much better instructor.
> >
> > Take care,
> > BHL
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> BHL. It is not that I am against uppercutting, as I do believe in a slight upswing. My concern is that many hitters like A-Rod are simply overmatched when they do not start their swings on time. This stems at least partly because as their swing unfolds there is a point at which their bat comes up to meet the ball during the uppercut. Since the bat is coming up, it has to be started on time, otherwise they swing under the ball.
> As a general observation, I have noticed that many hitters have trouble hitting the high fastball/strikes. This is at least in part stems from the fact that when they stride their body goes down and with it their swing plane. (Watch or view pics where a hitter misses on a high pitch.) Thus there is a need to apply the tomohawk (Andre Dawson) approach or something similar in order to allow them to make contact. Vlad Guerrero is another hitter who can hit the high pitch. So, perhaps his technique should be looked at in depth. I do realize that VLAD has exceptional ability in hitting all pitches.

Hi Hitting Guru,

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I agree with you that Vladimir Guerrero should be examined in depth. More specifically, one should look at Vlad's mechanics from an open side view, closed side view, frontal view, and rear view of his swing in the following pitches, inside high, inside middle, inside low, middle high, middle middle, middle low, outside high, outside middle, outside low.

The results should pick the soundest mechanics on these three pitches: a fastball, a curveball, and a changeup, with each resulting in a home run. Be ready to analyze 108 pictures!



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