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Re: Re: Re: Digitizing Video Help

Posted by: grc () on Sat Aug 25 18:46:19 2001

Thank you,
> Where can you find the Swinger software for that price? I went to their website and the cheapest I saw was $200 for the standard. (athlete level couldn't be bought unless profesional level was already purchased.

while we are on the subject.....i don't yet have a digital video camera but i do have plenty of video clips downloaded from setpro.......my objective: with the appropriate software i want to be able to print to paper all 5, 7 or whatever of the frames for these clips......i bought a program called "videofactory" but am having problems......is it technologically possible, with the right software to be able to print to paper, frame by frame?...........respectfully, grc.....


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   All My Roudy Friends
   Take Me Out to the Ballgame
   I Wish I was in Dixie
   Hail to the Chief

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