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Re: hitting high arc-ing slowpitch balls

Posted by: The Hitting Guru () on Tue Oct 10 18:34:20 2006

> How do i hit high arcing slow pitch softballs? I can hit normally thrown softballs, but when they are pitched to me with a high arc, i ALWAYS hit infield grounders and usually get out at first by the ss. Advice requested. the league i play in has no max height limit.
> rookie

Yeah the picnic softball is a lot different from the organized game which is usually 6ft to 12ft arc. But here are a few tips or quick fixes:

1. Experiment with a heavier bat. This may slow you swing down some which will help you time the slower pitches. You may need a bat that is at least 2 ounces heavier. Right now you are looking for solid contact as opposed to power.

2. Twist your body (ex Sean Casey) toward the plate a bit and show the pitcher more of your back. This will help you keep your front shoulder in a bit longer and help you wait for the ball to enter the hitting area.

3. After the pitch leaves the pitcher's hand, lift your front leg and lean slightly back in an effort to gather strength and time the pitch before you swing.

4. Stand very deep in the box and walk up in the box when the pitch is on the way. This will help you gain momentum and help time the pitch as it is coming toward you.

5. Since for the most part it is easier to hit the low pitch, set yourself up deep in the box and allow the pitch to get in on you. Then simply explode your wrist on the low pitch. This may help because the pitch is coming so slow that you can take a baseball swing without being to far in front of the pitch.

6. Lastly, use the batspeed.com mechanics on this site to slowly cock your hands back in the launch position while awaiting the incoming pitch. To many the slow pitch softball swing is more of a deliberate controlled swing in which the batter simply rocks back his hands and executes a controlled but fluid swing. Power will result with good mechanics rather than just a fast swing.


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