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Re: Re: What leads-hips,hands or both?

Posted by: SteveT () on Tue Dec 21 10:39:58 1999

Jeff and Dog,

There's no question in my mind that the hips must lead some. I'll be posting a link to a kinetic analysis I'm doing on Junior- it may be a couple days yet with the holidays and all. It will be clear from the pictures that the hips are ahead of the shoulders. (I do agree with Jack that many coaches exaggerate this with poor results.) Perhaps we should not teach it at all, and let it happen naturaly. If a hitter is using good mechanics, he will have a better chance of maximizing his batspeed. I think we have gotten into a semantics thing where we (or I) have confused the kinetics/ biomechanics of the swing (the details of what actually happens instant by instant) with what we should teach to ALLOW it to happen.

There's a very good post from Jack below about the two theories of hip rotation- recommended reading for all.




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