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Re: Re: previous post

Posted by: Jeff (kidd@islc.net) on Mon Dec 20 15:19:47 1999

Hi Jack,

Again I might be reading more into your comments than I should, but for the record, I want to state I'm not a lock-step devotee of Lau. In fact, my understaning of hitting mechanics, before I ever happened upon this site, is pretty doggone close to what you talk about here.

I also want to reiterate that though my questions to you might sometimes seem pointed or critical, I'm attempting to understand you fully. My understanding is sometimes aided by a parsing of the language.

As you suggested, I have read your response to Burgess, and I understand those points, but it doesn't really doesn't address the crux of my question. Perhaps a more direct line of questioning would yield a clearer response for me and less aggravation to you. So here goes:

What would be the effect on bat speed if all weight shift/linear motion were eliminated from the swing, provided that the timing concerns discussed in your reply to Burgess were somehow otherwise accounted for?

Again, I want to reiterate that I'm talking about weight shift and linear motion at any point in the swing, not just at contact. I'm more or less sold on the importance of hand torque and a circular hand path, but you seem to downplay the potential conversion of linear to rotational force. I'm wondering if you've quantified that or if I'm misinterpreting your position on weight shift as it relates to the "development" of bat speed.

I hope this makes my source of confusion more clear.

Regards and happy holidays,


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