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Re: Re: Re: Re: Thoughts on weight shift & momentum

Posted by: Jeff (kidd@islc.net) on Fri Dec 17 13:16:01 1999

Hey Jack,

Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder about you, too. You started this thread with a post that contained this graph:

":As the batter strides in preparation for the swing there will be forward movement (linear) of the body. And yes, there will be weight shifted (and momentum developed) forward as this occurs. The batter then plants the front foot and applies pressure with the front leg to slow down forward movement. Before the batter initiates the swing (body
rotates & hands start moving) all forward (linear) movement of the body has ceased. --- His center of mass is at rest. --- When he initiates the swing, he will rotate around a stationary axis."

This is what I was referring to as "describe exactly how weight transfer contributes (albeit indirectly) to the development of bat speed." I DID NOT QUOTE YOU DIRECTLY. I was giving you my interpretation of what you said, which seemed to describe a conversion from linear motion to rotational motion. I also conceded that perhaps my interpretation was incorrect. But again, that was precisely the point I was attempting to make. You are sloppy in the use of your language, and it leads to misunderstanding.

I realize tone is often lost in written communication, so let me re-state what I attempted to in the previous post: I was not attempting to flay you. I was trying to offer a gentle criticism and point out how sometimes, fine points can be lost in the translation.

You did the research; now help others make heads or tails of it. I'm giving it an honest effort, and while my background is not in physics or biomechanics or kineseology, I'm no dumb-***. I certainly don't need to come here to feel like one, either.



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