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1.stride 2. batweight, ?,

Posted by: Burgess (lburgess@idesign.com) on Fri Dec 17 07:11:39 1999

I have a couple questions, The first is nostride vs stride. I have beat this one to death on all baseball boards, When one first tries this method
batspeed does go down. A heel lift and slight body rock back is used, The mechanics of the cut itself look very good, weight goes back to center, excellent rotation off a sweet looking bracing action, pretty L position at finish, However batspeed does drop the more we do it, when first attemted we had spikes of faster batspeed then stride, now we have dips of as much as 10 mph. In the long haul do you think a kid should be able to achieve nearly the same batspeed using nostride?

Bat weight must be a factor in the pop, how much is the question, do you have any data regarding this? such as if a u12 player can swing a 23oz bat at 56mph, and a 19oz bat same length at 64mph
which would have more pop given he got all of it on the sweet spot. Should you always go for the weight with the greatest batspeed? In todays bat market that can get pretty light.


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