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Weight Shift for Balance

Posted by: Black Hole Lexicographer (Knight1285@aol.com) on Fri Dec 17 06:49:08 1999

Salutations all,
I believe that Mankin--based on research--has perfect grounds on which to discount weight shift as a component of power production.

Nevertheless, in Hit Your Potential, Steve Ferroli makes a valid point: 'the purpose of the weight shift and the stride is to bring the body to a balanced position, where the hips can rotate the fastest. Dave Hudgens correctly assumes that weight shift brings the hitter to balance, where he can use both legs effectively (I am still awaiting a Mankin response on the back leg, but I am sure he will read it).

Some hitters, like Mark McGwire, feel more comfortable with all the weight on the back foot. According to Ferroli, such a position will "cause him to fall foward to his balance point." Once he reaches his balance point, weight shift is no longer essential, and rotation takes over.

On the other hand, a Bagwell feels more comfortable with all the weight on his front foot. He must shift it back towards the catcher before he can use both legs effectively. As Ferroli says in Hit Your Potential, "If there is too much weight on either the front or back foot, hip rotation will be sluggish." Hudgen believes lack of balance can lead to mechanical breakdowns.

Therefore, I now believe that although weight shift does not create power by itself, it is essential to set up good hip rotation.

By the way, Jack, please answer my posts on the back leg so I can understand your viewpoints.

The Black Hole Lexicographer


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