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prelaunch torque

Posted by: tom.guerry (tom.guerry@kp.org) on Thu Dec 16 14:37:53 1999

Jack -
In one of your previous posts,you simplified the description of the initiation of torque in the prelaunch phase( before the bottom hand has started forward)as if the bat remained in a plane parallel to the ground throughout the swing.In reviewing video of Griffey,Sosa and Mcgwire,I can't tell if the bat becomes less vertical in the prelaunch motion as a result of the hands going up and back together or whether this dropping of the bat toward the horizontal plane is part of the initiation of torque as the back elbow drops. Do you think there is a preferred orientation or velocity of the bat(in 3-D)when the top hand starts torquing with respect to the bottom hand?


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