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Re: Re: dont force lower half

Posted by: Donny () on Sun Sep 3 05:37:45 2006

We all at one time or another have focused on one area / component of the swing and felt like IT was the most important.

Staying back, leading with the hip, keeping the hands back , balance,rotation, strong hands....

At the core of the issue is the CORE. How can we work the shoulders against the hips and the moves that make this connection better. You must learn how the upper and lower hemispheres segment and connect and stretch

When we realize, learn, and teach from this point if view we meet all the other goals the natural way and in the natural sequence.

Learning the mechanisms that help the shoulders stay back as the hips rotate into foot plant will yield the high level swing for most.

Cherry picking single areas might help as a bandaid but might be a sign the coach doesn't get it


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