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Re: Rotational (from below continued)

Posted by: Graylon (g_dunc@hotmail.com) on Tue Mar 31 12:32:04 2009

> Note: Continued from the “Rotational” thread below.
> >>> Yes. I am saying shift the paradyme -- the shoulder is connected to the arms, wrists, and hands. The shoulders do become involved, but as variable assist... if you will. Keeping closed and exploding through the ball is how the power is generated.
> Again, Ted Williams was the greatest hitter of all time, not the greatest instructor. I saw an interview once where he babbled on about Lau's theory and how he perceived. The interviewer stopped Ted and questioned his description as pretty much what he said was important in hitting at the beginning of the interview. Ted paused and then said he "supposed that was the case". Anyone who has read about Ted Williams knows he was kind of arrogant when it came to hitting. He felt like he was the authority on hitting and anyone else that suggested anything else was going to be attacked.
> What about Pete Rose? That to me seems like rotational hitting, and it is completely different than the hitters I have been referencing.
> I am really just trying to understand the differences here. <<<
> Hi Rick
> My main concern with the linear batting principles you outlined in your first post is that they are all based on a false theory of what produces bat speed. The theory that bat speed is generated from the forward weight shift and straight extension of the arms is just not true. There is no "Whip effect" of the bat from a straight extension and stopping of the hands. As this video clip (<a href="http://www.batspeed.com/media/WhipHigh.wmv">Whip theory</a> ) shows, the batter's mechanics must cause the hands to be 'cast' into a circular path to cause the bat to whip around.
> Therefore, any batting cue that encourages the batter to drive his hands (or the knob) straight across his body back toward the pitcher is counterproductive. So Rick, I would think twice before using "Knob to the ball" -- "(A to B)" -- "Keep your hands inside the ball" or any cue that would encourage a linear extension of the hands.
> Then there is the matter of how torque is efficiently applied at the handle to further maximize bat speed. I might add that "snapping the wrist" is not how torque is efficiently applied. This clip (<a href="http://www.batspeed.com/media/TorqueHigh.wmv">Torque</a> ) explains some of the principles of applying torque at the handle. Also, the posts below from the Archives have more information on "linear vs rotational" and torque.
> <a href="http://www.batspeed.com/messageboard/10863.html">Torque discussion</a>
> <a href="http://www.batspeed.com/research10.html">Batspeed research</a>
> <a href="http://www.batspeed.com/messageboard/11108.html">Defining "Linear vs Rotational"</a>
> Note: Since this may be of interest to other readers, I am also starting it as a new thread.
> Jack Mankin


While I agree that the hands do not move straight to the ball independent of the rest of the body. I do agree that there is not a straight push or pull forward and snap at the end.

IMO the hands are not cast into a CHP. The hands take a direct path to get the barrel in the contact zone. The hands stay in the rear armpit and are moved as the rear shoulder comes down and moves forward. Once the hands are moving forward they are realeased to the ball. The top hand is in charge and is working around the bottom hand continuing to take the barrel to the ball.

The bat is working around the hands and not the shoulders. IMO, MLB hitters are actually fighting the CHP and trying to take there hands directly to the ball. Yes the hand path will be rounded off because of the action of the body, but they are not trying to make it circular.

The hands move down and forward in a tight arc with the rear shoulder and then they are directed to the ball. IMO this may degrade some bat speed as compared to a completely CHP but what is gained is swing quickness.

MLB hitters have to have a balance of both, Swing quickness and bat speed. They are willing to trade some bat speed for the ability to have a quick, compact swing that will give them the greatest ability to square bat to ball and greatest amount of adjustability.

Here is a clip of Manny.




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