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Re: Re: Fastpitch softball swing vs. baseball swing

Posted by: Anon () on Fri Jul 14 00:43:50 2006

> > Is there a difference between the tow above mentioned swings. In fastpitch softball my daughters coach said she should not have her back hands beyond or back past her back shoulder. she was told because of the shorter distance 40ft to 60ft she must recact quicker and have hands above the back shoulder.
> > Any help wuold be apprecaited.
> Sir
> Her coaches are clearly geniuses. There is no doubt youth girl softball players must react very, very fast. Therefore, the techniques used by Major League Baseball players must be avoided.
> A left-handed batter facing Randy Johnson has comparatively forever to hit, so MLB players can use techniques such as a high back elbow, pre-launch torque, torso transfer mechanics and a circular hand path.
> Youth girl softball players would never get away with such inefficient mechanics. It is best she keeps her hands even with sternum and thrust the knob at the ball as vigorously as possible. AS her coaches obviously know, it's what the big leaguers would do if faced with her dilemma.
> Melvin

Sorry, Melvin, but in these clips( http://imageevent.com/siggy/hitting/olympic;jsessionid=z6frzfvdq2.zebra_s ) where does the Batter trust the knob at the ball? I don't think the top big leaguers would have that much trouble adjusting to SB conditions. Have you seen the clip where Bond's is toying with Jenny Finch's best pitches?

You must understand, SB and BB are 2 different games. Could you see Mendoza facing up to Casey's 100 MPH Fast-Ball - while swinging a 33oz bat?


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