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Back foot turn

Posted by: Steven (steven@ars-inc.com) on Wed Jun 28 14:20:28 2006

I played college baseball and am one of the swing technique nerds now that there is the internet and all the information that wasn't out there when I played.

I am now and avid rotational technique fan and am teaching it to my 7 year old son. We play select travel ball and he is a pretty good hitter and relatively big / athletic for his size. My first question is we do a lot of heavy bag traning and whiffle ball hitting at home to "groove" the mechanics of rotational hitting. I have the final arc video and think I have a good grasp of how to relate the basics to a gifted atheltic 7 year old. The one problem I have is that when he rotates into the contact zone he is well connected with the hands, shoulder, and hip turn. His top hand down, bottom hand up and a great swing plane, but his bag good tends to stay somewhat planted on the ground at contact and only turns completely during the follow through. Do you think this is hurting his power? Watching a video tape of his swing the legs are rotating through during contact and quite frankly it looks more difficult, almost like it would put great stress on his back knee to keep that foot from rotating towards the pitcher.

Also he has a hand release whereby this top hand comes off of the bat and sometimes I think it is too early, is there a drill I can use to reinforce keeping it on through contact.


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