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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: no such thing as linear hitting

Posted by: Jack Mankin (MrBatspeed@aol.com) on Mon Jun 26 08:50:07 2006

>>> "Bat speed alone does not equate to good hitting...mechanics can be altered to generate increased bat speed however what does this get you...?

If 'good hitting' is a 100%...how importent (in a percentage) is bat speed?" <<<

Hi Scott W

How hard the ball is hit is directly proportional to the velocity of the bat at contact. Therefore, the bat speed a hitter’s mechanics generate has a great bearing on his batting performance. In your post, you appear to suggest that a batter can not “alter” his mechanics to develop greater bat speed and retain the “good hitting” points you mentioned.

The game’s best hitters have proved that to be false. They possess all the points you mentioned -- plus they exhibit rotational principles that allow them to hit the ball much harder.

Jack Mankin


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