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Re: Attn: Jack! Bag Experiments

Posted by: Mick (whitelion_01@hotmail.com) on Tue Jun 20 12:44:26 2006

> Hi Jack,
> During my bag experiments, I reached 83 mph on the Swing Mate in setting up for outside pitches.

> In other words, how can John Elliot swing easy and generate tremendous batspeed without leaving any significant marks on the bag?

> Best,

I can answer the second question. Hit the Barrel of the bat (near the sweet spot) on the bag. There should be little damage. If you hit the bag with the end of the bat, then all the energy is transfered to the bag at that one point and you end up ripping the crap out of the bag. Depending on the balancing and weight of the bat used, my optimal bat speeds are recorded somewhere in the high 80's to low 100's.

The first question I can only guess at because I haven't seen your swing or setup. My guess is that you are fully extending on the outside pitches and taking a more compact swing on the inside pitches. You also might have to consider basic flaws in a radar unit. Radars are not built to measure angular acceleration. If you usually hit the ball farther out in front of the plate, the radar will not give you an optimal reading because the bat is a good deal past perpendicular.


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