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Re: Re: hands lagging behind body during swing

Posted by: Tony () on Fri Jun 16 10:44:53 2006

> > I have a 9 year old son. His little coach keeps telling him that his hands are lagging "behind" his body (in terms of timing, not position) during his swing. In other words, when his shoulders start open up as he makes contact withi the ball, his bat is still pointing away from the plate, slanting towards the catcher, and not square across the plate to meet the ball. The "cure" we have been working on is to "shorten" the swing by bringing his hands forward before starting the arc of the swing. From what you are teaching, this sounds like the absolutely WRONG thing to be teaching. I believe what your are teaching, but I'm not sure how to fix this.
> >
> Hi AGF,
> Sounds rather confusing, you write "In other words, when his shoulders start open up as he makes contact withi the ball, his bat is still pointing away from the plate, slanting towards the catcher,"...I have a hard time envisioning your son making contact with his shoulders open yet the bat is still pointing towards the catcher?
> Let's take it from scratch...here is a short poem that a nine year old kid, with the help of his very supportive dad can use...follow it closely and see results. But do remember that he is 9 years old...don't over instruct and let mother-time be his friend and you his main cheer leader.
> How To Hit
> By Coach Joe Hernandez
> How to hit a baseball
> This is your quest
> To be the best among all
> Or at least your very best
> Be careful of too much advice
> By those who claim to know
> Everyone claims to be wise
> Including Coach Joe
> Just stand nice and relax
> With a comfortable grip
> I will lay down the facts
> About the role of the rear hip
> Building a solid foundation
> That is what hitting is all about
> Focus and concentration
> Will eliminate all doubt
> It starts with the hands
> That is your link
> Good hitting demands
> That you do not think
> So hold the bat nice and relax
> Make sure your grip is not too tight
> As if you were holding an ax
> Ready to strike with some might
> Now go to a stance
> That is comfortable for you
> Take a look and a glance
> At your front and rear shoe
> Keep those feet align
> And ready to go
> Now you are in line
> Heel to heel, toe to toe
> Shoulder width apart
> That’s where you must be
> Hitting is science and art
> Understanding this is key
> Your weight is on the balls of your feet
> With a slight forward bend
> Ready to hit with the spot we call sweet
> Close to the bat end
> Balance is the key
> With slightly bend knees
> Hands held like an inverted “V”
> So swinging can be a breeze
> The hitting position
> That’s where you are at
> This is the condition
> To be able to hit with a bat
> Keep your rear elbow down
> This is an absolute must
> Even the Great Ted William frown
> This myth he distrust
> Hold the barrel’s bat high
> With the handle near the shoulder
> Just below your eye
> To be a hitter and not a holder
> Begin your stride
> A few inches will do
> Don’t step outside
> Or you will be through
> Stride short and firm
> With your body going back
> This will affirm
> That you are on the right track
> The hips lead the hands
> With “knob” to the ball
> After the front foot lands
> That is it, that is all
> Keep your eyes on the ball
> Until contact is made
> Make sure not to recall
> Anything to make you afraid
> Follow through with conviction
> With a level swing
> Make sure of no friction
> To avoid hitting with sting
> Practice often, practice long
> But always practice with fun
> Never practice to rush along
> Work on your mechanics one by one
> If you do as I say
> You will become a better hitter
> So says coach Jose
> Hitting is not for a quitter
> Great hitters are made
> They are not born
> With hard practice that paid
> Those that do, need not “forlorn”
> So let’s get to work
> And have plenty of fun
> Hard practice you cannot shirk
> If you want to be number one
> > Any suggestions on how to address this problem?
> > Thanks!
> > AGF


There is a simple remedy for your son's problem. They key here is the angle of the front arm. This angle should remain the same from the start of the swing to the point of contact. If the hands are not coming through with the shoulders, the front arm will have to extend and the angle will increase. Tell your son to keep the front arm tucked to his side when he initiates the swing. This will help him to maintain the same arm angle to the point of contact and will force the hands to come through the zone when the shoulders rotate. After contact, the arms will naturally extend when following through, but they should not extend prior to contact.



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