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Re: Re: baseball vs softball pitching

Posted by: Bob LeBlanc (bobbob5@nb.sympatico.ca) on Tue Jun 6 10:11:28 2006

Actually in men's fastpitch, these pitchers jump about 3ft or so and replant on their pivot foot before actually pushing off a second time while completing their stride, etc. It would be the same as pitching from a 43' pitching plate. Speeds of upper 70s and low 80s is not uncommon at the elite level. In men's fastpitch, it's probably more like facing over 110 mph speeds in baseball. I know a few good fastpitch players in the area who tried baseball at the top amateur level and had no problems at all hitting the fastball. They said they felt they had to really wait for a 89mph fastball. They had to get accustomed to the breaking pitches of course.

> >That depends on the speed of the pitch, obviously. But a 65 mph fastball from 43 feet would cross the plate about at the same time as a 90 mph fastball from 60 feet. Those are both typical D1/pro speeds.
> If a baseball pitcher and a softball pitcher eat throw a pitch at the same time from their regulated distances which one would cross the plate first?


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