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Re: Pulling the ball and pulling off the ball

Posted by: Joe Hernandez (coach2hit@yahoo.com) on Mon Jun 5 22:06:43 2006

> I have good rotational mechanics, but not great mechanics. I hit the ball harder / farther then 95% of players.
> Unfortunately, I do have two problems. The first has to do with pulling the ball with power. My power is from LC-RC and rapidly fades the more I try to pull it. On an outside pitch, I can definitely hit the ball harder down the opposite line then pulling an inside pitch down the line.
> The 2nd problem is that I am always pulling off the ball. I tend to hit farther twoards the end of the bat off the sweet spot. I've very consistant as I'll hit a spot 3.5-4 inches off the end of bat. I've tried a lot of things in BP and off a tee and it isn't working.
> I think both of these problems are likely related, but for the life of me I don't know what it is. The few coaches that I've talked to and other players that watched me hit tell me that I have a great swing and they have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I hope someone here has encountered the same issues and can help me out.
> Thanks
> Mick

Hi Mick!

I'm not clear on your questions. On your first question, are you asking why it is you cannot pull the inside pitch? And to your second question, are you asking why you pull your head off the ball? Just want to be very clear before I attempt to respond.

Joe Hernandez


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